
Mon ~ Fri : 9 AM To 5 : 30 PM

Quebec Experience Program (PEQ)

Quebec Experience Program

The Quebec Government encourages foreign workers working in Quebec and international students completing a program of post secondary studies in Quebec, to permanently remain in the province. The Quebec Experience Program (PEQ) is a simplified fast-track process leading to permanent residence for the two categories of applicants. The program allows international students and temporary foreign workers  to apply for permanent residence from within Quebec, after completing a period of qualified work or approved studies.

International Student information for Quebec Experience Program :

Foreign students who have studied in Quebec may be eligible to apply for a CSQ under the Quebec Experience Program if they :

MIDI will not issue a CSQ until the applicant submits a complete transcript and an attestation of successful completion of diploma.

Temporary Foreign Worker information for Quebec Experience Program :

Temporary Foreign Workers in Quebec may be eligible to apply for a CSQ under the Quebec Experience Program if they :

Full-time Work Experience for the PEQ

The MIDI considers a minimum of 30 hours of paid work per week as full-time employment. Full-time work experience acquired as an international student while on a Post-Graduation Work Permit or under a Youth Exchange/International Experience Canada (IEC) Program may be taken into account if the applicant meets all PEQ requirements. MIDI will not consider any period of part-time work, self-employment, or entrepreneurial work under the PEQ.